1st Annual Jewish Brotherhood Mission
To spread love and unity to our brothers and sisters in Israel, and to bring as much light as we can to the Jewish homeland. Every single activity we do, from morning to night, will have this goal in mind.
No other agenda. Just brotherly love and unity (achdut)!
100% of the money raised will be used to impact our soldiers and displaced families.
- Sponsoring a boy’s bar mitzvah (we will attend!)
- Co-sponsoring a 10-chuppa wedding on the last night of our trip for 10 combat IDF soldiers that each served in Gaza, with famous Israeli singers (all singing for free). We will attend!
- BBQ parties for combat soldiers by Gaza (We will attend and flip burgers!)
- Pizza party for female combat soldier unit that saved many lives on October 7th (and killed many terrorists)!
- Care packages for wounded soldiers at Soroka Hospital (We will personally deliver!)
- Petting zoo event (we will attend!) for 17 recently orphaned children from Halutza (southern Gaza envelope) who each lost their fathers on the community security team on October 7th.