The Lone Soldier Fund

Not every soldier has family they can lean on during their military service. Whether they are immigrants with no family in Israel, orphans, or soldiers whose families refuse to support their service in the Israel Defense Forces, these lone soldiers are in need of additional support during their service to Israel.

The Helping Israel Fund stands beside the lone soldiers of Israel, creating the support network that their families could not provide. Through our Lone Soldier Fund, the Helping Israel Fund sponsors a variety of projects supporting lone soldiers.

Projects within the Lone Soldier Fund include:

  • Sponsorship of holiday meals for lone soldiers.
  • Sponsorship of Hebrew learning opportunities for immigrant soldiers.
  • Creation of a support line for lone soldiers to request assistance.
  • Distribution of supplies for day to day living as a lone soldier.
  • Connections between immigrant lone soldiers and their families abroad.
  • Renting and furnishing apartments for Hareidi lone soldiers.  

Show your support for the lone soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces by donating to the Helping Israel Fund today!